Important [April 2024 message]( regarding US consulate services during the Olympic Games.
Important [April 2024 message]( regarding US consulate services during the Olympic Games.
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The American Club of Lyon is a proud member of FAWCO, a global federation of American clubs present in 28 different countries. FAWCO acts as a network of support for its members and covers issues important to American individuals and families living overseas, such as citizenship and voting, taxation and banking.

The FAWCO Foundation supports the philanthropic goals of FAWCO by developing and doing fundraising for programs that improve the lives of women and children worldwide. The support takes the form of:

  • Development Grants to charity projects nominated and selected by FAWCO member clubs.
  • Education Grants for study at the high school, undergraduate and graduate levels. American Club of Lyon members are eligible to apply for these grants.

If you would like to access any members-only sections of the website, please contact the FAWCO Rep to obtain a password.