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Coffee Chat – Tuesdays 9:30-11:30

Get together for a café and English conversation with American Club members and our fellow Lyonnais.

If it’s too cold or rainy outside, we will meet inside in the upstairs seating area of Le Perko. If it happens to be nice outside, we prefer to meet outside on their terrace. If, for some reason, even meeting indoors isn’t possible, then we’ll revert to a virtual get-together via Zoom.

Any last minute changes will be announced on the ACL Facebook page and in the ACL Members Facebook group by Joe CoffeeChat, so like the page and make sure you’re in the group (if you’re a member of the club) to get real-time notifications on Coffee Chat and other events, and you can also send a Facebook friend request to Joe CoffeeChat for Coffee Chat updates (whether or not you’re a club member).

No need to RSVP for this event. For answers to other questions you may have, check our FAQ.

Bring a friend. Everyone is welcome whether they are a member of the American Club or not!

When: Every Tuesday morning from 9:30 – 11:30
Where: Le Perko Café, 8 Place du Griffon, 69001
Event Organizer: Sam Finocchio