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The American Club of Lyon is a social club open to individuals, couples, and families who wish to maintain their cultural ties with the United States.

Membership Benefits

You will be able to participate in all ACL events (often for free for members). You will receive a monthly electronic newsletter and occasional reminder emails with current events, activities, and partner announcements for our members. You will have full access to the website, including all relevant information about activities and events, and the Useful Information page on the website with a list of English speaking professionals, businesses, and other valuable resources. You will also have access to our closed Facebook group where you can find last-minute club announcements, post your own get-togethers, and pose questions to other American Club members.

Your membership dues for the year go solely towards the funding of the club’s events and any administrative fees required to run the ACL. The club is solely run by its member volunteers who do not receive any salary or payment for their contributions.

The ACL is a member of FAWCO, and as an ACL member it entitles club members’ children to apply for FAWCO scholarships. For a brief description of the different awards, please take a look at the FAWCO foundation webpage.

Your ACL membership includes access to several of the events with the European-American Chamber of Commerce at no additional fee. This means that you can attend most events hosted by the EACC at their member rates. Details can be found on our partner page and in the monthly Newsletter.

Become a member by completing the Membership Application Form. After completing the online form, you will be taken to a page with payment instructions. Your membership will be valid after payment has been received and processed.

Membership Requirements

Active Members must be proficient in English and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Is a US Citizen
  2. – or –

  3. Has resided a minimum of 1 year in the United States
  4. – or –

  5. Is the spouse or recognized partner of a US citizen
  6. – or –

  7. Is or was (or has a spouse who is or was) employed by a US corporation or organization headquartered in the United States or a US government agency for a minimum of 2 years
  8. – or –

  9. Is the parent of a child born in the United States or of US nationality

Associate Membership

If a prospective member does not meet the requirements to be an Active Member but shows knowledge of and interest in the American culture, it may be possible to join the club as an Associate Member.

Associate Members must speak fluent English and be sponsored by an Active Member. The admission of Associate Members shall only be effective after validation by the Executive Board which shall check that the above-mentioned admission criteria are fulfilled. The admission of new Associate Members must not bring the total number of Associate Members to more than 10% of the total number of members.

Associate Members must pay annual membership fees but do not enjoy voting rights at Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meetings. They may not be members of the Executive Board but they may chair or take part in special committees created by the Executive Board.

Associate Members who have paid their membership fees for at least three years running and who have played an active role in the functioning of the ASSOCIATION may be granted Active Membership status further to a decision of the Executive Board.

Membership Fees

The membership year is September 1st – August 31. Between Feb 1 and May 31, dues are reduced by half price. Memberships paid from June 1 – Aug 31 are full price and count for the current AND the following year. (Please note that there is an additional €2.00 fee included if paying by PayPal in order to help offset service charges imposed)

  • Family (household) €70
  • Single (one-person household) €35
  • Young Adult (<26 years old) €25
  • Non-Resident (online only) €20

For more information about the club, please fill out the contact form.

Become a member!

The American Club of Lyon est une association orientée vers les expatriés américains ou d’anciens résidents américains. Nous acceuillons des individus, couples et familles qui souhaitent maintenir leur liens culturels avec les Etats-Unis.

Exigences pour devenir membre

Nos membres doivent parler couramment l’anglais et remplir au moins un des critères suivants :

  1. être de nationalité américaine
  2. – ou –

  3. avoir résidé un minimum de un an aux Etats-Unis
  4. – ou –

  5. avoir un conjoint ou partenaire qui est membre de l’association
  6. – ou –

  7. être ou avoir été employé par une entreprise américaine ou organisation basée aux Etats-Unis pour au moins 2 ans.
  8. – ou –

  9. être le parent d’un enfant né aux Etats-Unis ou être de nationalité américaine